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For & by autistic women, girls and non-binary people

For & by autistic women, girls and non-binary people

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SWAN is an autistic-led Charity delivering services, information and support for and by autistic women, girls and non-binary people across Scotland since 2012.

SWAN is a place for autistic women, girls and non-binary people to understand themselves better, connect with others, and learn from and support one another, without the stress of masking to fit in.

SWAN runs a range of events and activities, both in person and online, including local meet-up groups, online peer support, pre- and post-diagnosis groups, and wellbeing webinars.

All SWAN staff and volunteers are autistic and we work hard to make SWAN a safe, welcoming and stress-free place for autistic women, girls and non-binary people.

Services & Events

Our resources are designed and produced by and for autistic women, girls and non-binary people, informed by our work, what we learn from our network, and by autistic-led research.

Info & Resources

SWAN delivers autistic-led training and workshops, to improve the understanding and inclusion of autistic women, girls and non-binary people, and works directly with organisations to help them achieve greater inclusion and autistic-informed service design and delivery.

Training & Workshops

We represent autistic women, girls and non-binary people and their interests in local and national policy, service-design and decision-making processes and work with our network to involve them in these opportunities.

SWAN is inclusive of all autistic identity - whether you are diagnosed, self-diagnosed, self-identified, or exploring whether you might be autistic, you are welcome at SWAN.

SWAN is inclusive of all women and non-binary people. 

SWAN spaces are autistic-only, however we warmly welcome friends and allies, families and carers, and professionals and practitioners to access our resources and attend training and specific events.

You can trust that the everything you find at SWAN is based on the professional and personal knowledge and experiences of #ActuallyAutistic women, girls and non-binary people.

SWAN is proud to be autistic led.